Welcome To The Green Brook PTO!
Become a part of the GREAT things happening in OUR schools.

The Green Brook PTO is proud to announce its very first Volleyball Tournament in the GBMS Gymnasium!!

Come watch our amazing GBTPS teachers, students and select community members battle it out on the court in this community event. 

Halftime show will feature the IEF students!

This is a fun-filled event for the whole family, and we would love to have you all there! Click here to get your tickets!

CYCLEBAR Fundraiser 2/23!

Click here to register…

…then click here to pay, or send a check to IEF in an envelope marked 8th Grade Dance-Cyclebar. Include all people you are paying on a piece of paper so we can mark each rider as "PAID"

We Need You!

Are you a Green Brook PTO Member who wants to volunteer at our events?  

We need your help at our PTO Events!  The school benefits from your participation, and so do you in many ways:

  • Families enjoy being together at events

  • Your children will be proud of you for participating 

  • You become more involved in the school

  • You get to know a wider circle of teachers and families

  • Children whose parents are involved in their education, perform better academically

Spiritwear Is Here!

For additional information click here to see the attached flyer
or email us at 
Happy Shopping!

The Green Brook PTO has partnered with 1st Place Spirit Wear to bring you some great choices for showing your school pride. The store will be available year-round and 10% of all sales comes back to the GBPTO. 

  • There are multiple colors, styles, and sizes from youth to adult and even accessories available.

  • Individual links for IEF and GBMS are below, however all items can be purchased with one cart.

  • Click the individual category tabs at the top of the page for even more merchandise choices. GBMS parents, click “Athletic” at the top of the pages for school gym shirts, shorts and more.

  • Check the store often for updated styles and new products. 

*** NEW for the 2023-24 school year is OFFICAL PTO gear.***

Multiple colors to choose: grey, green & black and lots of styles!

Highly recommended for parent volunteers. 

PTO Car Magnets Are On Sale

Who needs a Green Brook PTO Car Magnet? YOU do, that’s who!

Purchase your one-of-a-kind PTO Car Magnet by sending $3 cash or check in an envelope labeled “PTO” in your child’s school folder. Please include your child’s name & teacher as magnets will be delivered to classroom teachers for distribution.

Contact Us!

Complete the form to contact us, or email us directly.


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