We are excited to present the
Spring PTO Bright Minds 2025 Program!
Before clicking the link at the bottom of the page to review the program courses,
please read the following:
What is “Bright Minds”?
Bright Minds is a before and after school club program that is offered to Green Brook students.
This program strives to provide an enrichment opportunity for our children to explore new ideas, gain new skills, and have fun! We are committed to keeping class fees reasonable while providing relevant quality enrichment classes for our children. Some of the programs offered are: Sports classes, STEM, Art, Lego, and Cheerleading.
Please take note of the following points:
No refunds after registration deadline
Class details will be emailed before the start of the first class
An instructor will be on-site to oversee the logistics of running each program.
The Bright Minds Program is solely run by the Green Brook PTO and NOT The Board of Education. Therefore, the school nurse is NOT available during program hours. If your child has any restrictions/medical issues that could affect his/her experience in a course, please email us (gbpto.greenbrook@gmail.com) before registering for a class. We want all students to have the best possible setting to learn, interact and have fun.
For courses taking place before school, please drop your child off at the main school entrance. Instructors will meet the children at the door. For those attending before or after care, your child will be picked up or dismissed accordingly.
For courses taking place after school, please pick up your child at the main school entrance. Instructors will ensure the children are picked up by their parents/guardians. It is the responsibility of each parent/guardian to see that his or her child is picked up. If a parent is continually late in picking up his/her child, the child may be asked to leave the program.
Your child's cooperative attitude and behavior are essential to the program. Should a problem develop, the parents will be notified. If the course teacher reports at least 3 separate behavior concerns, the child may be asked to leave the program. If a child is asked to leave, there will be no refund.
If your child is absent on the day of their program, parents should notify the school, as per the normal protocol, and the instructor will be notified. However, If a child is present in school but needs to miss their program, parents must notify both the school office, as well as the Before/After Care program if your child attends that.
No refunds will be given after the close of registration.
In the event of school closings or delayed openings, every attempt will be made to schedule make-up classes. When a program must be canceled, the teacher will notify us, and we will communicate that to you accordingly.
Questions? Contact the PTO at gbpto.greenbrook@gmail.com. PLEASE DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL/MAIN OFFICE FOR GENERAL INFORMATION
Ready To See This Spring’s Courses? Click Here!