We Can't Do It Without YOU!
We need your help at our PTO Events! The school benefits from your participation, and so do you in many ways:
Families enjoy being together at events
Your children will be proud of you for participating
You become more involved in the school
You get to know a wider circle of teachers and families
Children whose parents are involved in their education, perform better academically
Want To Become A Committee Chair?
A committee chair is someone who has been appointed to lead a particular committee within the PTO. They organize planning meetings, coordinate with volunteers, delegate tasks, and are the communication liaison to the PTO board. They need to be able to work within an allotted budget and have great communication and collaboration skills.
See the Guidelines at this link, then email us at gbpto.greenbrook@gmail.com to learn more!
Volunteer Opportunities And Descriptions
If you’re ready to volunteer, you must be a registered PTO member: click here to register.
If you are already a PTO member, follow that same link and log into your account. Click on "Volunteer" and check off the opportunities you are interested in (there is no "Save" button - the system will automatically record your choices).
Book Fair: (During School Hours)
Brought to you by Scholastics. Runs 3 times a year at IEF. Parents sign up for shifts over the course of book fair to help students select books and manage money sent in by parents.
This is a Booster Fitness Fundraiser. This fundraising program combines fun with fitness. We will be hosting one of the following events: Fun Run, Glow Run or a Dance Fit. Volunteer(s) help coordinate event details, Main Event (during school hours), and distribute prizes.
Eight Grade Dance: (After Hours Event)
Coordinated by 8th grade Parents, a committee plans the end of year dance for graduating 8th grade students. Parent volunteers raise & manage incoming money, coordinate with parents and vendors, and facilitate all details related to the event.
Holiday Boutique: (During School Hours)
Organized similarly to Book Fair. Parents sign up for shifts to help students manage money sent by parents and select & purchase gifts for family and friends.
Middle School Night Out:
Volunteers will plan activities for middles schoolers and their families to get out and interact in a safe and fun way. Activities may include, bowling night, roller rink, movie night, etc... Please note: before signing up: unlike other events listed here, these events are not yet planned and do not have definitive dates. It will be up to this Committee to plan, organize, and facilitate these events.
Fundraising & Sponsorship: (Build your own schedule)
Volunteer(s) would reach out to business throughout the year to obtain sponsorship and donations for various events and activities. Create an ongoing relationship with businesses in and around our community. In addition, you would look into potential vendors and collect information about future fundraising opportunities. Mostly requires back-end work. This person would work very closely with the PTO board.
Family Fun Events: (After Hours Events)
Volunteers aim to plan 3-4 events a year which may include, back to school movie night, Holiday events, Bingo Night, School Yard Jam, etc. Please note: before signing up: unlike other events listed here, these events are not yet planned and do not have definitive dates. It will be up to this Committee to plan, organize, and facilitate these events.
4th Grade Moving Over Ceremony: (After Hours Event)
Coordinated by 4th grade Home Room Parents, a committee plans an end of year field trip and moving over ceremony for 4th grade students to transition from IEF to GBMS. Parents raise & manage money, coordinate with parents and facilitate all details related to the events.
Reading is FUNdamental (RIF): (During School Hours)
Organized similarly to Book fair. All IEF students receive FREE books courtesy of PTO. “Reading Is Fundamental is committed to a literate America by inspiring a passion for reading among all children.” (RIF.ORG)
Trunk or Treat: (After Hours Event)
Our pre-Halloween bash! Each year Green Brook families register their vehicle trunks and decorate them with a fun theme. Each trunk will pass out candies to all our “trunk” or treating students. Volunteer(s) will work alongside our wonderful chair Nora Hionis to plan and set up this amazing event for our GB Families.
Teacher Appreciation Week: (During School Hours)
Volunteer(s) plan, organize and facilitate a fun themed week in May to thank our hard-working staff and teachers at IEF & GBMS. This may include breakfast, lunch, snacks, decorations, and special gifts
Sunshine Committee:
This committee oversees: Staff Acknowledgements (secretary’s day, custodian’s day), Sunshine Hospitality (Births or death of immediate family members), Teacher of the Year.
Book Club:
This is a Bright Minds Club. Students will be meeting once a month with Ms. Wagner to discuss the Book of the Month and do a small activity. This will be held every 3rd Friday of the month from 8am-9am. Parents will be there assisting Ms. Wagner and providing an extra pair of hands.
Painless online fundraising to get kids reading. Volunteers will coordinative event details and distribute prizes.